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At Pursuit Wealth Planning, we believe that every family should have the resources to make the best choices for their family. Navigating the challenges faced in the Sandwich generation shouldn’t upend your personal retirement success. Our goal is to help provide guidance and resources as you navigate your caregiving journey so that you can prioritize your family, your career, and your own retirement!

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Investing in Your Child's Future: A Guide for Parents

Being a member of the sandwich generation can be hard as you navigate raising children, preparing for your own eventual retirement and helping your aging loved ones. As a parent, one of the most important things you can do is plan for your child's financial future. Here are some of the best investment options available for parents looking to save for their kids.

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Finding Balance: Navigating Career and Caregiving for Aging Loved Ones

As more women take on the dual role of career professional and caregiver for aging loved ones, the challenge of maintaining a healthy work-life balance has become increasingly complex. This juggling act, often referred to as the "sandwich generation" phenomenon, can be both emotionally and physically taxing, but with the right strategies and support, it is possible to find equilibrium.